Hersh | Bhargava

Hersh.Bhargava ucsf.edu

Graduate Student

Joint with the El-Samad Lab

Hersh's Website



Ph.D., Biophysics
Designated emphasis in Complex Biological Systems
University of California, San Francisco


B.A., Molecular and Cell Biology
Concentration in Biological Chemistry
University of California, Berkeley

Research Interests

Joining computational and synthetic biology to design and engineer cell therapies.


2023 Fifty Years Fifty 50 Fellow

2023 UC President’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Fellowship

2022 UCSF Entrepreneurship Scholarship

2021-2024 Department of Defense NDSEG Fellowship

2021-2024 UCSF Discovery Fellowship (Byers Family Fellow)

2021 UCSF Computational Innovator Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

2021 UCSF Biophysics Graduate Program Teaching Award

2021 National Science Foundation GRFP Honorable Mention

2020 ARCS Foundation Scholarship (NVIDIA Scholar)

2017 HHMI Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Fellowship


A degron-baserd bioPROTAC for controlling signaling in CAR-T cells.
Kim MS, Bhargava HK, Shavey GE, Lim WA, El-Samad H*, Ng AH*
ACS Synthetic Biology. 2024. doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.4c00109.

Synthetic cytokine circuits that drive T cells into immune-excluded tumors
Allen GM*, Frankel NW*, Reddy NR, Bhargava HK, Yoshida MA, Stark SR, Purl M, Lee J, Yee JL, Yu W, Li AW, Garcia KC, El-Samad H, Roybal KT, Spitzer MH, Lim WA.
Science. 2022. doi: 10.1126/science.aba1624.

Decoding CAR T cell phenotype using combinatorial signaling motif libraries and machine learning
Daniels KG, Wang S, Simic MS, Bhargava HK, Capponi SD, Tonai Y, Yu W, Bianco S, Lim WA
Science. 2022. doi: 101126/scienceabq0225.

Structural basis for autophagy inhibition by the human Rubicon-Rab7 complex
Bhargava HK, Tabata K, Byck JM, Hamasaki M, Farrell DP, Anishchenko I, DiMaio F, Im YJ, Yoshimori T, Hurley JH
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020. doi: 101073/pnas2008030117.

Computationally derived image signature of stromal morphology is prognostic of prostate cancer recurrence following prostatectomy in African American patients
Bhargava HK, Leo P, Elliott R, Janowcyzk A, Whitney J, Gupta S, Fu P, Yamoah K, Rebbeck T, Feldman MD, Lal P, Madabhushi A
Clinical Cancer Research. 2020. doi: 101158/1078-0432CCR-19-2659.

The HaloTag as a general scaffold for far-red tunable chemigenetic indicators
Deo C*, Abdelfattah AS*, Bhargava HK, Berro A, Falco N, Moeyaert B, Chupanova M, Lavis LD, Schreiter ER
Nature Chemical Biology. 2021. doi: 101101/20200108898783.

PD-L1 Expression Reveals Significant Association with Squamous Differentiation in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
Arriola A, Farahani S, Bhargava HK, Guzzo T, Brooks J, Lal P
American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2019. doi: 101093/ajcp/aqz002.